Sunday 8 January 2012

Empire Knights review

This review is probably going to be crap because i have lost my flow but here goes and i havent played a game in months.

For 23p you get a guy on a horse who cant fight even as well as a swordsmen. Knights do have two crucial advantages however Ld 8 and a great armour save. Lore of metal will crush knights though and even wounding on twos your only getting one WS3 attack per knight

Lets examine options

Can take magic standard=Awesomesauce
Inner circle=3 points for 1+ strength. Pass
Great weapons=not so great. You really want to strike before anything with great weapons and you lose a pip of armour
Lance and shield=great.

Looking at these options the first option that comes to mind is a hydra/tree man killing unit. This is also probably the only time you would want the inner circle upgrade as wounding on 4s instead of 5s is huge. Unfortunately using knights for this is crap. The hydra you charge your knights into will kill a few and it will take you approximately 4 knights to get a wound. Four knights is the price of a cannon that can get a whole lot more. For monster hunting your unit wound like to be more like 10 which is more than two cannons.

Knights could be used as a counter attack unit. You would want a big as unit though as to properly counter attack you need to break ranks or kill units. A big as unit is a deathstar so next.

The best use for knights is as an anvil. It will take forever for low strength stuff to kill their points in knights and the first turn of combat will be brutal to them. It takes approximately 24 WS4 S3 hits to kill a knight so a smallish unit can last turns while your warmachines munt shit.

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